The Road Development Agency (RDA) is working on a project to expand a section of the M9 Road
Also known as the Lusaka-Mongu Road, in Mongu District from two lanes to a four-lane dual carriageway. This upgrade aims to improve the road's condition, enhance the driving experience, and ensure safer travel for motorists.
The project begins at the Mongu roundabout, where the M9 meets the M10 (Mongu-Senanga) Roads, and extends 1.9 kilometers east to the junction with Old Shoprite Road, commonly referred to as God Bless area. The condition of the road along this stretch has significantly worsened, leading to considerable delays for both vehicles and pedestrians.
The project includes several key activities:
Setting up the contractor's site;
Implementing road diversions;
Performing earthworks;
Installing drainage systems;
Laying pavement layers;
Adding new pipe culverts;
Designing and upgrading this section of the M9 Road to a four-lane dual carriageway over approximately 1.9 kilometers;
Constructing 250mm reinforced concrete pavement at Total Filling Station; and
Building erosion protection works.
Progress is on track, and the contractor AVIC International has completed the road diversions and is currently removing the existing pavement. The asphalt work is expected to be finished by mid-November 2024.
Source: Mongu Monicipal Council